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Ross Pamphilon is a founding member of ECM’s investment team, with over 15 years of experience in trading, portfolio and risk management. Throughout his career at ECM, Ross has been responsible for a range of business areas including emerging markets, investment grade corporate debt, high yield, long-short relative value strategies and front office IT before assuming overall responsibility for portfolio management and credit research. Prior to joining ECM Ross was an emerging markets specialist at Merrill Lynch where he had responsibility for trading local currency fixed income debt, derivatives and foreign exchange products. Ross qualified as a chartered accountant with Price Waterhouse and holds a BSc (Hons) in Chemistry from City University, London. Aside from his career and interest in Artificial Intelligence, Ross Pamphilon is deeply passionate about health and fitness.

Ross Pamphilon

Chief Investment Officer of the ECM Asset Management at Wells Fargo Asset Management

Stay Connected With Ross Pamphilon

Ross Pamphilon has found that the key to leading a healthy lifestyle means maintaining healthy weight, avoiding processed foods, taking exercise most days of the week and avoiding smoking. For Ross, the goal is not to diet but rather change your diet for the better. Eat what you like, but balance the food intake with the exercise to match it. Diets can be so regimented and it can also be difficult to find the ingredients so rather than obsessing and focusing on food and cutting things out, it makes more sense to eat in moderation at the right time and change habits for the better. Staying active to keep fit doesn’t just make you look better and feel stronger but it makes you happier too. Ultimately, Ross’s advice for those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle, would be an hour of exercise at least two to three times a week.

“Perhaps it is true that you live more for five minutes going fast on a bike than other people do in their life.”


Ross Pamphilon

“There is a common bond that runs through most motorcyclists; a sense of freedom of life on the open road, the focus and co-ordination needed to ride a bike smoothly and efficiently or for some the sheer exhilaration of riding a bike fast perhaps on your favorite race circuit.

Burt Munro was the legendary amateur motorcycle racer portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the 2005 film “The World’s Fastest Indian”. Munro set land speed records on his Indian Scout motorcycle which he customized in his garage back in New Zealand and was 68 years old when he set the under 1000cc Bonneville flats record of 184.087mph which still stands today.  Munro was quoted in the press as saying after the record, “At the Salt in 1967 we were going like a bomb. Then she got the wobbles just over half way through the run. To slow her down I sat up. The wind tore my goggles off and the blast forced my eyeballs back into my head – couldn’t see a thing. We were so far off the black line that we missed a steel marker stake by inches. I put her down – a few scratches all round but nothing much else.” If you haven’t watched the film it is worth catching up on.” 

Ross Pamphilon